We’ve changed things up a little around here! Bespoke web and application development has been a core component of our services – an area in which we have delivered many enjoyable and successful projects – but the landscape is not what it once was.
Hosted solutions such as application frameworks mean that organisations can now obtain a professional, fully hosted website for a low monthly fee. Better yet, they can do so without the capital outlay of a conventional website. Such platforms are not new, but are now mature enough to match or even surpass custom solutions. Automatic updates, 24/7 support and the additional benefits of economies of scale make such solutions the obvious choice in 2016.
For these reasons, we now recommend that our clients consider Square Space, Word Press and similar services when planning a new website. We are still happy to guide you through the process if necessary, and will continue to support clients with their existing sites, but we will no longer be developing stand-alone websites.
Getting your organisation “on message”
Ravlich Consulting was founded with a passion for communication as a driver of positive change. We are re-embracing that ideal by shifting focus back from the nuts and bolts of web development and IT support, to the broader communication structures in which they sit.
While your website provides a necessary online presence, it is a passive, inward facing resource. People must search for it, meaning they are already looking for your business or cause before they visit the site.
A communication strategy, in contrast, is active, adaptive and interactive. In the social space, it is outward facing, and goes to where people already are. It reaches new prospective clients or members, boosts search rankings, and ultimately generates leads.
If you want to invite new markets into your organisation, then you need a clear, systematic communication strategy. You also need the means to measure and to grow it.
We can provide staff training, seminars and documentation on the various channels and components of communication strategy, both internal and external.
We can work with you to define and quantify your communication needs, then help your staff to begin delivering immediate value to prospective clients.
We can work with your in-house experts to provide quality, search-optimised content that will get your message seen.
We can help you to monitor and rapidly evolve your communication strategy, until it is a living and vital part of your organisation.
We can manage and deliver specific communication projects, ranging from internal policy and deployment to client resources.
It’s an exciting time in the communications sector, and we look forward to helping you deliver authentic, effective messages.